Test your knowledge in romanian
We offer you a free version of our CLSO tests that can give you a preliminary picture of the level you are at.
If you want to know your language level it is necessary to give another test, which is available both at our headquarters and online.
The language test is divided into 4 modules: writing, speaking, reading, audio.
We place candidates tested at linguistic levels specific to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) for homogeneous and internationally valid results. Thus, the CLSO team ensures alignment with the highest performance standards for companies requesting language audit services.
According to CEFR, the language levels are as follows: (click here to access the document).
The price of a language test is 350 lei (to find out the language level). If you have registered for a course organized by our institution the language test is FREE of charge.
This type of testing can be performed both at the CLSO headquarters: Primariei street no. 54, flat no. 14, as well as online.
* we inform you that this type of testing does not entail obtaining an internationally recognized language certificate. This type of examination is performed in a different examination session, with examining teachers who are not part of the CLSO team.